Volunteer projects
We believe by helping the people in the city, we can help our students connect with where they study and live. We believe that volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.
AEA offers optional volunteer activities for students inspired to help our surrounding community and environment, such as volunteering at the beautify Golden Gate Park, helping out at local soup kitchens, etc.
Prepare food for people in need
AEA students volunteered to participate in Project Homeless Connect (PHC), SF Marin Food Bank, and Project Open Hands to help prepare food for people in need. These programs provide locations where non-profit medical and social service providers collaborate to serve the homeless of San Francisco with comprehensive, holistic services.
Project Open Hand
Our students became amazing volunteers by helping at Project Open Hand to serve meals with a smile to seniors and adults of our Community. At Project Open Hand, they rely on more than 125 volunteers every day to help prepare, package and deliver meals with love, and distribute groceries for sick and elderly neighbors.
SF Marin Food Bank
Project Homeless Connect
City Impact
Maintain community green space
AEA students spent an afternoon at the Presidio to protect sensitive natural habitats, sustain and improve our trial systems, and preserve important cultural resources. The Volunteer Project at – Golden Gate National Parks, Presidio( Nursery) includes activities like transplanting seedlings, pruning, composting, seed collecting, and out-planting.